Now it's getting scary

The new fixtures got put up two days ago by maintenance. Last night I am opening my temple, and as I turn East facing my altar, The ceiling fixture comes down about six inches in front of my face. The timing was intense. I have moved my altar to the center of my circle, so it shattered all over my altar and floor, sending glass splinters everywhere, my cauldron across the floor and the coal onto my rug, which now has a melted circle in it.
I was pretty dumbstruck. I stood in shock for a few moments, and the went into the livingroom and paced a while. Finally I cleaned my temple, lit another coal, and did my LBRP, Qalalistic Crosses and MPE in accordance. I tried to do a strong banishing, and I got the strongest visualizations yet on my South and North pentagrams. I did all traditional, nothing Thelemic, no invocations, LVH, Adorations, or anything. I gave a strong license to depart and used some of the Heavy hitter God names with my commandment.
Not Cool!!! It was violent, there's no mistaking it. If I was just a bit closer to my altar, or not wearing my glasses, I could have gotten hurt. This happened in my circle, while I was inside of it. I'm pretty freaked, and I must admit I am questioning everything right now. My Frater says it's unabsorbed energies from my ritual that seem like they are turning Goetic. I really don't know. Last night anything could have happened and would not have been shocking, I was prepared for anything and logic and reason were just not factors of what was plausible. I don't even know if that made sense, but let's just say I was very unsettled.
Unfortunately all of this is turning my Blog into a campfire-boogyman forum and this is not what I want. I am going to try not to give this stuff more space. I'm spooked, I'm starting to question what I'm doing, and whatever is going on, it's not fun anymore.
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