Increased Activity

Last night while I was out with a study group, another fixture came down from the cieling. My fiance calls me and let's me know the fixture in the kitchen crashed down to the floor while she was sitting in the livingroom. This is less than 24 hours after the fixture crashed down in my temple. She futher explained, that there were hissing gurgling sounds coming from the kitchen, which would cease when she would walk over to investigate.
My Frater verified what I already suspected: This is a sign of progress in my grade. I am becomming a beacon on the astral place and I am attracting beings, energies, however one wants to think about it. It's actually pretty exciting. I have tweaked my license to depart and I am focusing on my banishing more.
Since being offered the Sanctuary charter to think about, and these other occourances, my practice is picking up. I am visualizing the pentagrams and archangels more readily and I feel my visualizations from my third eye are taking shape as well. All is well, and only getting better. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law, Love is the Law, Love under Will.
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