My Temple and Ritual

So far I have constructed my altar, according to Crowley's instructions in Liber ABA. Seen in the picture are my Therion banner in the East, and my Sun & Moon pillars, which correspond to the pillars of Mercy and Severity. My altar is covered with black silk, and on it can be seen my Stele of Revealing, statue of Horus, and Book of the Law.
I'm doing the standard rituals of the neophyte: The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, and the Middle Pillar Exercise (hereafter called LBRP and MPE). I have been doing the vanilla (Golden Dawn) versions of both for several months now and will be for another 2 1/2 months, at which point I will begin the Thelemic versions. I am also doing the Resh Vel Helios ritual with adoration at least a few times a day, and that is becoming very natural. I'm feeling comfortable with them at this stage of the game, but I think I'm riding the short-bus in the "creative visualization" department. I see tracers when drawing all the Pentagrams now, especially on the the line that goes across. For the last week or so it has been building so that I can see tracers for almost the whole Southern Pentagram (Earth). The Southern and Western (Water) Pentagrams have always given me the most results. This jives with the feminine/formative nature of the attributions of these directions, the imagery should crystallize in these quarters first. However, I have a very difficult time visualizing the Archangels, as well as staying aware of the Pentagrams and Hexagrams throughout the whole ritual. It takes time, or at least it's taking me time.
However, I do get empirical results in the ritual. I get bursts of energy, again especially in the South and West, as the ritual progresses. The nature of the visual is akin to what happens when you close your eyes really tight and get those colorful explosions behind your eyelids. They happen whether I do my ritual during the day or night, even if I do the ritual astrally, which entails projecting an image of myself doing the ritual rather than physically doing it (this is done to develop an astral body for later path working). My breathing automatically regulates itself to a slow and controlled pace, and when facing West doing the MPE I always feel quite intoxicated. I get what I call the swoon, and my eyes begin to wiggle the way they do during an MDMA experience. So there are weighable, measurable changes that occur when in my circle doing my ritual. 93 93/93 Frater Prima Materia
... Practise a thousand times, and it becomes difficult; a thousand thousand, and it becomes easy; a thousand thousand times a thousand thousand, and it is no longer thou that doeth it, but it that doeth itself through thee. Not until then is that which is done well done.
Aleister Crowley, The Book of Lies, "The Mountaineer"
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