A Sanctuary...

During a phone conversaton with the head of my sanctuary, The Sanctuary of Thoth, I was asked how I felt about founding a Sanctuary here in Colorado once I've been initiated into the Zelator degree. My brother let me know I had been been chosen as a worthy candidate to become a priest of Ra.
This is the spark I needed right when I needed. To stop, rethink what is important and further commit myself. I am a student, and a teacher. These are what I have come to recogize as the key ingrediants of my natural orbit, and to have the opportunity to further bring my practice of Thelema into line with that, well it's natural really. No surprises, but further validation of my path's evolution.
I will not be communicating any of those plans, or even the ideas of name, structure, web page etc. until I have attained the Zelator grade, and the Sanctuary has its charter. 93 93/93
Unity uttermost showed!
I adore the might of Thy breath,
Supreme and Terrible God,
Who makest the gods and death
To tremble before Thee:
--I, I adore Thee!
Appear on the throne of Ra!
Open the ways of the Khu!
Lighten the ways of the Ka!
The ways of the Khabs run through
To stir me or still me!
Aum! let it fill me!
The light is mine; its rays consume
Me: I have made a secret door
Into the House of Ra and Tum,
Of Khephra and of Ahathoor.
I am thy Theban, O Mentu,
The prophet Ankh-af-na-khonsu!
By Bes-na-Maut my breast I beat;
By wise Ta-Nech I weave my spell.
Show thy star-splendour, O Nuit!
Bid me within thine House to dwell,
O wingèd snake of light, Hadit!
Abide with me, Ra-Hoor-Khuit! (From Liber Legis, Ch. III, vs. 37-38)
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