My Tree of life

I have completed my rendition of the Qabalistic Tree of Life! A fuller account of my experiences while painting it can be read in my blog titled AHA! It is not perfect, but such is life in Malkuth. At the very top we see the anti primal triad, depicted as two silver lines, Ain and Ain Soph, with the third, Ain Soph Aur, wrapping around the tree. This is because Kether's moment of self realization, the "I am," which starts the whole wheel in motion, occurs within the boundless void of the Anti Primal Triad: Ain, Ain soph and Ain soph Aur. In our Thelemic tradition Ain soph is personified by Nuit, just as Kether is personified by Hadit.
Also in silver we see the Hexagram, the unicursal hexagram, an upright pentagram and a downward pentagram in the Sephira between Kether and Tiphareth , with Daath at the center. These hexagrams/pentagrams in the Abyss, also display the four hidden paths of the Tree, which give us 26 paths and is intricately linked to the English Qabalah which I discussed in my last blog. Surrounding Tiphareth we see a downward facing pentagram. Traditionally we would have the indentical hexagrams/pentagrams arrangement we have above, only with Tiphareth at the center. This is known as The Lesser Countenance, Zaur Anpin, or Microprosopos. All I have to do is to draw two paths from Netzach and Hod to Daath, but something about the downward facing pentagram here speaks to me for a number of reasons. We shall see... 93 93/93
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