Thelemic Rituals

I have begun to focus much more on the Thelemic versions of the and the MPE. I am presently alternating everyother day between the traditional and Thelemic.
The Thelemic versions really are a whole different current. Not only are the element/direction attributions different, but the whole rite is based on a different perspective. In the traditional version, I am standing on the intersection of Samech and Pe, between Tiphareth and Yesod, the elements/Sephiroth take their place based upon this scheme.
The Thelemic LBRP is more focused on ascension. There's a different perspective the rite is being viewed from, and a slightly different, or rather enriched purpose to it as well. The visualization is easier for me in the T-LBRP as well. I use the Sons of Horus as the guardians of the directions rather than the Archangels of the Traditional form (east Man, West Jackal, South Hawk, North Ape). I implement the elemental colors as a back-drop with geometry/pattern complementing the nature of the element(Fire: Flames/Volcanic scene, Water: Blue and Orange, Air: White and Gold, Earth: Green and Rust.
I am also learning the Tarot much more efficently by using the Minor Arcana, and Major Arcana card(s) which correspond to the Planet of the day. For example: On Tuesday I use the fives, and the Tower. I keep the Major Arcana card corresponding to the current Zodiac sign on my altar as well. I have even been utilizing the Pentacles of the Greater Key Of Solomon the King. The whole point is to immerse myself in the planet's energy. The more cues the better to do this. As I use these cues I learn them, and they serve their purpose in my ritual, it's all very complementary. 93 93/93
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